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Key data

Human resources

  The population of the City of Kielce ammounts to 191 448 people, of which one third citizens of mobile working age (18-44). Annually, 9 universities educate approx. 20 thousand students every year, providing 6 thousand graduates. State universities: Jan Kochanowski... more

Economic Data

The City of Kielce is the capital of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship, which is home to 1.3 million people. 20,000 students study at 9 colleges and universities located across the region and 6.000 people graduate every year. T he average monthly r emun erat i on in Kielce is 5... more

Strategic location

One of the main assets of the Region is its favorable geographical situation which provides excellent transport links. Kielce is conveniently located at the intersection of the important communication routes, mainly strategic roads leading to large agglomerations. The city  is also located... more

The real estate market in Kielce

The real estate market in Kielce Kielce office market remains highly competitive, especially when compared with mature markets, such as Warsaw, Wroclaw, Poznan and Krakow. Average rent rates in the city are approximately 35 PLN per sq. m., which is about 30% lower than in cities mentioned.... more
Inwestuj w Kielcach